Our olive groves
We provide our customers with only extra virgin olive oil produced by our olive groves in the “Abate” and “Feudotto”...
Le cultivar
The main cultivars present in our olive groves are those included in the “DOP “Val di Mazara” disciplinary
Virgin olive oil
The extra virgin olive oil comes from various processing of the olives which end with the extraction of the oil
The classification
Virgin olive oils are obtained, only by mechanical processes or other physical processes
Gusto e Benefici
Il gusto, l’aroma e gli ingredienti naturali dell’olio extravergine d’oliva rimangono inalterati. I benefici dell’olio extra vergine d’oliva...

What we produce
Monovarietal extra virgin olive oil
An extra virgin olive oil can be obtained from a single variety of olives; in this case it is called monovarietal oil
Extra virgin olive oil in “blend”
For the three mono-varietal extra virgin olive oils we combine two blended oils made with blends of two or three cultivars
Extra virgin olive oil for children
An olive oil with very low acidity and, therefore, light: it is one of the first ingredients for baby food with which we start weaning.

Our Story

The poetry of oil for a great culinary inspiration
Monovarietal “Nocellara del Belice”
The Olive Nocellara del Belice is a particularly large and tasty olive, which is produced in the “Valle del Belice”
Monovarietal “Biancolilla”
The drupe goes from the light color of the unripe state (pea green) to the more lively (vinous red) of maturity.
Monovarietal “Cerasuola”
The Olive “Cerasuola” is characterized by great vigor with a fairly high productivity with medium-sized fruits.
An intense mixture
È necessaria una delicata operazione di miscelazione per garantire che l’olio extra vergine d’oliva abbia un equilibrio perfetto.
A delicate mixture
Un olio extra vergine di oliva di alta qualità è perfetto come condimento per pesce, carne e verdure.
Light for children
Our decanted and filtered baby oil is an oil produced from the “Biancolilla” cultivar with an acidity that does not exceed 0.20

Health Benefits

Prevents Heart Attacks
Extra virgin olive oil is one of the most natural fats in circulation. Choose it wisely for our foods
Reduces Cholesterol Levels
The health benefits of olive oil include lower cholesterol levels in the your blood.
Improves Your Memory
Olive oils’ antioxidants have been shown reverse of disease-related memory deficits.
Helps Digestion
Although high in calories, olive oil has shown to help reduce levels of obesity.
Helps Fight Cancer
The elements in olive oil can decrease the risk of breast cancer and its recurrence.
Prevents Blood Clotting
Olive oil can reduce the risk of heart attacks and stroke, also improve blood clotting.
Our Team

Tasting Exeperience
How to taste an olive oil (and why)
We love what we do and how we do it! We put our care, quality and passion into creating our extra virgin olive oil. Our passion drives us to find solutions to have a quality extra virgin olive oil.